el caribe funk / el Alcalde Morcilla
jofman / Adi / Marc-E / Tilda Allie / Charlie's Bar collective / madamevecile / Markovich vandal / jackin'lm! / benny and chapu (el rio allstars) / sarabia / fiona beeson / eda eren / mystic rude
Free Yoga and Meditation with Krystal Aranyani Performance
and workshops with @diogenesyacircusarts
Food, drink, markets

Come and join us on January 21, 2022 for 2 magical days and 2 epic nights of incredible live music, yoga, camping, food, drink, and connection in the jungle of the beautiful Carribean coast of Colombia. We have amazing talent from Latin America, as well as international acts to bring for your listening pleasure. This will truly be the first festival of it's kind on the North Coast, so please come and be a part of this special occasion.
After Covid-19, the name of our festival couldn't be more appropriate.
We will be reviving so many things, including the return of live music, mass gatherings, support for small businesses, tourism, and the opportunity to connect freely with others.
So with this in mind we invite you to revive with us at the 3rd official Revival Festival.
